Here is the chance to make a difference in
Harford County!
Join the Harford County YRs today.
There are many ways to get involved:
Cost: min - $20
Age: younger than 18 or older than 40;
Residence: resides outside Harford County;
Party Registration: not a registered Republican; and/or
Dues: paid in full.
Rights and Privileges:
Receiving discounts at select events - second phase;
Priority for event tickets - second phase;
Name/logo will be published on website
Receiving discount - less than full member - for any HCYR event
Membership Requirements:​
Cost: $20
Age: younger than 18 or older than 40;
Residence: resides outside Harford County;
Party Registration: Independent or not registered
Dues: paid in full.
Opportunity to support the next generation of Republican leadership
Opportunity to have logo and link published on website
Eligible to attend HCYR Member Only events.
Campaign events and local events: discounts - second phase
Example: Back the Blue, Sen. Jennings’ Christmas Party, etc.
HCYR events with a fee - second highest discounted ticket
Ticket Priority
Local, state or national events: access - second phase
Example: AFPI Summit ft. President Trump, Sound of Freedom movie night with local Republican organization, Republican Presidential Primary debate tickets, States Attorney campaign event, etc.
Membership Requirements:
Cost: $50
Age: 18-40;
Residence: Harford County;
Party Registration: Republican; and
Dues: paid in full.
Eligible to hold an Executive Board Officer position with HCYRs or MDYRs;
Eligible to vote in MDYR and NFYR elections - based upon dues timeline as stipulated by constitution of state;
Eligible to attend the NFYR annual conference - based upon dues timeline as stipulated by constitution of state;
Eligible to be nominated as an alternate for the NFYR annual conference and have your hotel and registration fees paid through scholarship.
Eligible to attend HCYR Member Only events.
Representation & Volunteer Work
Opportunity to represent local elected officials at community events;
Example: represent an elected official at the annual Lincoln/Reagan Dinner
Opportunity to help elected officials at campaign events.
Example: help sign in folks at elected official’s fundraiser
10% discount on select classes with HCYR partner 2nd Amendment Instructor, LLC.
Campaign events and local events: discounts - first phase
Example: Back the Blue, Sen. Jennings’ Christmas Party, etc.
HCYR events with a fee - highest discounted ticket
Ticket Priority
Local, state or national events: access - first phase
Example: AFPI Summit ft. President Trump, Sound of Freedom movie night with local Republican organization, Republican Presidential Primary debate tickets, States Attorney campaign event, etc.
BONUS: Welcome gift: t-shirt, koozie, and bag.
ADD INS: if HCYRs start holding elections, full members can vote